How Much Do I Need to Retire With the Lifestyle I Want?
Planning during the Pre-Retirement phase of life is crucial. You want to be able to enjoy your retirement and know that you have financial peace and security.
Many empty-nesters have great cash flow, but often wonder if they have enough income to provide for their retirement.
Don Carey helps clients in the pre-retirement phase by considering the following topics and preparing a wealth management plan that supports your lifestyle:
- What are your retirement goals? How much money is needed to retire?
- Debt reduction is paramount at this stage of life.
- What is your wealth management plan and how can it be adjusted to work for you even better?
- Accessing your risk tolerance is needed, while establishing time horizons and to determine plans suitable for your retirement goals.
- Estimating expenses is key to match against your after-tax returns and income.
- How can you preserve capital?

Contact Don Carey Financial today to
create a custom wealth management plan for your retirement.